Relation Between Pakistan and India have remained Strained From a long period of time . Both Countries had fought three wars and lived in a state of confrontation ( a situation in which two parties opposing each other). They haven’t achieved yet a situation where they been called a developed country . Both Countries are suffering from Poverty , About 400 million people in India earns less than a Dollar a day. About 45 million people in Pakistan suffering from same poverty condition , this means about 27.3 percent of people are in severe poverty position.

On the Other hand Both Pakistan & India spend more than 44 billion dollar each year . Pakistan Spend Rs: 750 billion on defence budget . Where Both countries are Nuclear Power state and have spend a lot of money there also.

A first way to look at Kashmir is as a bilateral Indo-Pak problem, a legacy of the colonial and post-colonial past.

The Muslim League’s “two nations theory,” the debate on the accession to India decided by Maharaja Hari Singh, the wars launched in 1947 and 1965 by irregulars backed by the Pakistan Army, India’s abandonment of its self-determination commitment, and the break-up of Pakistan due to the secession of Bangladesh supported by Indian forces are milestones in a disturbed history which developed what I would call the “Partition syndrome.” Beyond conflicting definitions of the nation, beyond different strategic interests, beyond internal rationales of power, the “Partition syndrome” incorporates psychological fundamentals, deep emotions (eventually instrumentalized) and, overall, a culture of mistrust adverse to all attempts at confidence building measures and strong enough, in official circles, for narrowing the scope offered by people-to-people initiatives.




When 68 years of struggle have not drawn us any closer to the dream of achieving independence or greater autonomy for the people of Kashmir, should we keep fighting for another 70 years at a still higher cost to our economy and country? And while the world moves on, should Pakistan-India relations remain frozen to the detriment of one-fifth of humanity? There is need for a new approach or thinking on the subject. A new vision, on the one hand, would be premised upon India seeking to confer complete autonomy on Kashmir on the pattern of Hong Kong and Macau vis- with India despite the unresolved border and water issues. Such a vision alone would help transform the subcontinent and its poverty- a-vis China, and on the other, Pakistan moving to normalize relations stricken people who are stuck in a vicious cycle of multidimensional poverty and for whom the future does not hold much promise.