
Learn With Nasir




Corruption is a criminal act that has spread its poison everywhere. It is an unethical method which a person uses to get advantages of power. It is one of the aspect which causes hindrances in the development of a country. It directly affects the growth of a country and reduces the government’s income. It is present in almost every government institutes of Pakistan including Police, Transport, Railway Stations and others.

Pakistan is a developing country and it is facing many problems. Among them corruption is the big issue. According to Transparency International police, political parties and parliament are top three corrupt institutes in Pakistan. A traffic police usually fined common people without any reason if they do not give bribe to them. The police take bribe whenever they get the chance. People below the poverty line are forced to give bribe to the Political leaders for their work to be done. In these institutes there are some people who say no to corruption but majority of the people is interested in earning more money and that is why they select wrong path to do so. However the major reason behind the increase in ratio of corruption in Pakistan is the no implementation of law. The laws are neither followed by citizens nor politicians.

According to the Transparency International (TI) in January 2016, Pakistan was the only country among the five member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) that improved its Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) score. The government is working to reduce the rate of corruption and expecting the much better CPI score in future. The one slogan “Say No To Corruption” must be applicable in every institutes of Pakistan. The government can only perform better if it implements zero tolerance on corruption.

The Kurt Cobain once said “The duty of youth is to challenge corruption”. We must start the chain from ourselves to say no to corruption. That is the only way that we can see our country as developed country not as developing country.

~ Munesh Kumar


The time of conflict and rivalry between the USA and Soviet Union is called the cold war. This cold war was started at the end of World War II and ended in 1980’s with the collapse of communism. In this time both the super powers tried to prevent each other from gaining power and was the time of great political tension.

At the end of World War II soviet union controls much of Eastern Europe. Soviet Union installed communist government there and USA controls Western Europe. Although USA and Soviet Union were both allies during World War II but they had different ideas about the future of world so USA on the other hand wanted to stop communism. USA gave big sums of money to Western Europe countries to stay free and rebuild their weak economies. This created a border between the communist east and free west and this border was called Iron Curtain which ran from the middle of Europe.

At this time two military organizations rise. One was called NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the second was Warsaw Pact. NATO was formed by the USA and other western countries in 1949 while the Warsaw Pact was formed by Soviet Union in 1955.


Berlin has a great importance in the cold war. This city was divided into four parts. The soviet part became the East Berlin and the French, British and American part became the West Berlin. The soviet tried to cut off the supply routes to the city the Americans started airlifting foods, clothes and other basic necessities to help the people survive and due to this in 1950 people from East Berlin started migrating to West Berlin. The East German government had no way to stop this so in 1961 the East German government erected a wall around Berlin which became the most famous symbol of the Cold war.

In 1959 rebel leader Fidel Castro removed western leader from Cuba and made a communist government there. Soviet Union helped him and sent supplies and weapons to support Cuba and in 1962 Soviet set nuclear missiles in Cuba. These nuclear missiles were 90 miles from the coast of Florida and it was an unacceptable threat for USA but later Soviet agreed to remove his weapons.

The division of Peninsula in North and South Korea was also an event of Cold war. The soviet government after world war controlled the Northern part of Korea. Soviet also installed Communist government there later in 1950’s North Korea invaded the South so USA led allied forces against the North Korea and after a long fight the war came to an end and this led the division of Peninsula.

After the French had been removed from the Vietnam in 1950’sVietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was under Communist rule and wanted to unite Vietnam under communism. USA helped the South Vietnam in the war but USA and South Vietnam both were defeated and Vietnam came into Communist rule.

Soviet also expanded its influence in Asian countries. Mao Zedong was the first communist leader in China in 1949. However China challenged Soviet leadership in Communist world.


After four years of the event of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Soviet Union also became a nuclear power and during the decades of cold war both the countries increased their nuclear power. They both had created INTERCONTINENTAL missiles which was able to reach every corner on the earth. Until 1970’s USA and Soviet had enough nuclear weapons to destroy entire life on this earth but later the agreed to limit their nuclear power and weapons and stopped the arms race.


Now USA and Soviet extended their rivalry in space race. They both wanted to demonstrate their technological superiority. In 1957 Soviet sent the first satellite in space and in 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the earth. This race ended when Apollo 11 landed on moon in 1969.


Later half of 1980’s slowly brought an end to the cold war. Mikhail Gorbachew took power in Soviet Union. His policy was to give soviet people freedom and rights. Communism started to collapse in 1989 in Eastern Europe. November 1989 Berlin wall was torn down and Germans were allowed to freely travel from East to West. In 1991 Soviets Union broke into 15 independent countries and communism survived in only few countries including Cuba.

~Muhammad Yasir

Privitization Is Not The Last Solution

It is believed that mistakes are the best teachers in the universe. The only people who disagree with the above statement are Pakistani’s. The question is why?

In 1600 East India Company was established in subcontinent. The people of subcontinent were treated like slaves including Muslims and Hindus by British for years. East India Company was a result of privatization in simple words a hard coded history of the subcontinent. Years have passed but we did not learn anything from our mistakes.

Pakistan one of the biggest income sectors include steel mill and PIA. Steel mill is the biggest Asian steel mill. It is hard to predict that a country having nuclear power fails to run these sectors and above all the solution they put forward is privatization of the sectors.

There is a lot of talent in Pakistan which is being wasted a lot of employees are jobless and what the leaders go for is to give your best income sectors to abroad people so that they can earn and fulfil their needs accordingly.

In simple words privatization is just like family who do not have a good family leader and when the other takes the leadership so the only thing comes is divide and rule.


~Afaq Jawaid

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